
Satisfies GE: Thinking Historically, major/minor credit in History or Religious Studies

You and your fellow students will study the historical, 文本, 以及伊斯兰教的文化基础,然后将这些与埃及人的生活现实进行比较, Turkish and Palestinian societies. You will spend most of the semester in Egypt, a country that is 90% Muslim and, 在许多人眼里, 伊斯兰教逊尼派的中心. You will also visit Palestine and Turkey, two other majority Muslim countries, to give you some broader feel for Islam in practice.

你和你的同学将参与埃及教会,包括现在和过去. 你将学习基督教从反对运动到帝国宗教的演变, 然后被保护, subordinate and marginalized minority. 将注意神学发展与文化和政治发展之间的相互作用. You will learn more about the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Churches. 通过今天与生活在中东的不同基督徒的会面,你将受到挑战,重新思考成为基督全球身体的一部分意味着什么.

Satisfies GE: Understanding Society, GE: Communicating Cross Culturally and major credit History International Track

你和你的同学将学习埃及的现代史:它从一个被英国占领的王国转变为一个独立的民族国家. You will study what it means to be a modern nation, 以及一个国家是如何在活下去的同时又辜负了自己的价值观和身份, 革命期间和革命之后.

Satisfies GE: Thinking Globally, major/minor credit Political Science, and major credit History International Track

你和你的同学将学习自2011年以来中东发生的一些戏剧性的政治变化,并考虑“阿拉伯之春”是否适合这些变化. 你将从以色列人和巴勒斯坦人的角度来研究巴以冲突. We will ask together where we can find hope for peace, what we can learn about the struggle for influence and resources in the region, and what this may mean for us as Americans and Christians.

Satisfies GE: Foreign Language, major credit History International Track, and major credit Political Science International Security & 开发跟踪

You will study Arabic throughout our time in Cairo, both in a formal class room setting and through daily opportunities to practice.

We will also offer second semester Arabic II on your return to Westmont, 这可能是政治科学和历史专业的国际学生特别感兴趣的.



The cost of the program will be standard Westmont tuition, fees, room and board. 没有节目费用, but you will be responsible for the cost of round trip airfare from the USA to Egypt. 



  • 类站
  • GPA(最低2分).3 gpa)
  • 申请及论文
  • Personal and faculty recommendations


In addition to the general qualifications above, the following are requirements that must be met, with or without reasonable accommodation, in order to complete all essential elements of the program. All participants must be able to:

  • Tolerate local diet with limited control over food choices in most locations.
  • Anticipate possible exposure to peanut or other food allergens.
  • Anticipate respiratory challenges in Cairo due to the high atmospheric pollution levels.
  • 在多个不规则的表面上导航,每天独立行走/旅行5英里. (广泛的步行, 以及穿越古老的城镇和狭窄的通道和许多楼梯, is part of the daily life of the program.)
  • Navigate carrying personal items including suitcase and/or backpack without assistance.
  • 尽管获得心理服务的机会有限,但预期有足够的情绪健康,以安全成功地充分参与该计划.
  • Anticipate at least double occupancy accommodations on some if not all locations.
  • 至少在计划开始前两周接受最后一剂Covid疫苗. 


No longer accepting applications for 2023年春季. For more information about the program, contact Professor Jim Wright at jwright@boke99.net.